I first fed him a piece of Cake A, followed by Cake B. Upon tasting both, my husband stated that they were both great, but he preferred Cake B. A little disappointed (I preferred cake A of course) I pushed over the plate with Cake B, and said "here's your cake." He tasted it and said "wait a minute, very funny, now give me my cake!" HA! I win! I win!
Don't get me wrong, there is a time and a place for store bought cake mixes, and I have to say, Betty Crocker's cake was not half bad, and took no more than 20 minutes of prep. time. But I loved the richness of Beatty's Chocolate cake. It had a much firmer texture without being dry and the chocolate butter cream frosting was truly amazing. Makes me want to have a slice just thinking about it!So the test revealed, from scratch is always better! Much like it is with glazes isn't it?