Wednesday, November 18, 2009
From Ladybugs to Bunnies

Friday, November 13, 2009

However, it's time had come and it just had to go. So for my birthday, my dear, sweet, husband bought me a new HP Entertainment notebook. I thought this thing was great!!! It was practically weightless, and are computers really this fast now a days?
A big surprise came when I needed to install some of the basic programs, you know, the anti-virus and the printer. The damn thing was a complete lemon. It would not install anything, and when I attempted to restart, never turned on again.
Luckily, Best Buy's return policy is wonderful, and they took the awful thing back without a question.
Frustrated, I decided to stick with what I know best, and buy a new Dell. I ordered a new Dell Inspiron that weighs all of 5 pounds :) and so far (knock on wood) works splendidly. The new Windows 7 came automatically installed and is very similar to the type of function and look of the Mac Safari. (I suppose a way for PCs to compete)...

So while I type this blog post on my fast and efficient new Dell, I will have to edit and list all new pottery photos on my dinosaur. God give me strength.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Diversity in Clay at the AMOCA

This upcoming weekend is the Opening of the Diversity in Clay exhibit curated by the American Ceramic Society, Design Chapter. The reception is this Saturday August 8th 6-9pm at the American Museum of Ceramic Art. I urge all to attend if you're in the Los Angeles area. I haven't been before, but those that have, said that the food at this reception is pretty great! So come on down and check out some fabulous pottery and mingle with yours truly and other amazing potters!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Get ready for a long one folks...
Then came the Eggs. The fool proof blue/brown color combination that satisfied my need for both contemporary and traditional styles. After the arrival of the Robin's Egg, my pottery took a turn for the more refined, feminine style that is very much reflected in my pottery today.

A short while later came my trip to Paris and my discovery of hand-carved and still very much color contrasting Poppy. Shortly after came the Sprout. I still have to be perfectly relaxed and in a great mood to successfully throw those little suckers. The sprout teapot is yet again a perfect example of the modern/contemporary in me.
Some recent events made me want to take a step back and reflect on where my pottery came from and where it's headed. Since my two year Etsyversary is looming, I guess my first Etsy sale is a good place to start. This is the first piece that sold. It had contrasting color, a curvy egg-like shape, still very similar to the shape I throw today.
With my first wheel-thrown pieces my first goal as a student and a potter was to make the form symmetrical, centered as well as making the piece as light as possible. I have succeeded at this over the last two years as you can tell by cheaper shipping prices.
So where am I headed? With a larger collection of flowers and now my own blend of glaze colors, will I let the curvy, vind-y win out and settle on with the press molds and the slip? Or will I continue to be all over the place with my pottery much like I am in life?

Today's trip to the Getty was no help. I was yet again torn between the 1600's decadent, French gold and robins egg vases on the interior of the Decorative Arts Section and the museum's overly modern, clean-lined architectural exterior. But if they can live together so beautifully, why can't I?
They are awesome, fun and now that I found a glaze that does not run, I can add them to everything.(Strongly considering it!)
With a kiln full ready to go for yet another bisque firing, only time will tell.
Friday, July 3, 2009

Thanks to Bekah at BekahQuilts who was nice enough to feature me on her blog!
Bekah's quilts are beautiful! and can be found on one of my favorite websites - Etsy.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Diversity in Clay Exhibition
I am proud to announce that this piece was accepted to the 2009 AMOCA/ ACS-DC Diversity in Clay Exhibition. The exhibition runs from August 8th until August 28th at the American Museum of Ceramic Art - 340 S. Garey Avenue, Pomona,CA 91766. There will be a reception on Saturday August 8th from 6-9pm where awards will be presented. This is a fundraiser and all work is for sale, so I encourage everyone to come! This is a very happy moment for Alina Hayes Ceramics.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Bust Update
some minor cracks on the inside after it was bisque fired and I feared the worst. My teacher suggested I use paper clay to fill the cracks. Strangely, none of the cracks I patched opened, but there were some others that showed up in areas I did not expect. It survived Cone 11 reduction firing, and the head did not fall off. None were on the face and overall I was very lucky. The porcelain slip I used gave it a beautiful almost marble-like appearance that I am very happy with.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Hand Built vs. Wheel Thrown

Being a bit of a perfectionist, I loved the perfectly centered form the wheel helped create (on a good day). At first my impression of hand-built pottery was that it was very wonky and misshapen. However, once I took a class with Biliana Popova and discovered that you can create very symmetrical, smooth forms much like the wheel with liberties that the wheel just does not allow. I realized that I was keeping myself from something so satisfying. Hand-built forms, even when perfect and smooth still have a textile quality that cannot be reproduced on the wheel making you want to feel it, allowing you to unmistakeably recognize that a piece is hand-built once you hold it. If you never held a piece of hand-built pottery, do it.
I am not sure I will fully convert to strictly hand-building from now on, but I have developed a respect for the quality it creates and look forward to adding those elements to my future works.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Unconditional Love
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Attack of the Robins Egg
Spring is here, the birds are singing, the westeria has bloomed and I can't help but smile. My latest Robins Egg kiln load came out and the pieces are lovely! I feel like a proud mama of her babies and it feels good. We may not be certain of a lot of things, but one thing we can be certain of. Every year spring will come, the robin will return, and I will have speckled Robins eggs in my shop :) and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
A Streak of Bad Luck
I am generally a very laid back person, and when throwing I get to zone out and create little pots and shapes without giving much thought of how many pieces an hour I can make or glaze, or what is my top seller. However, now that I rely on pottery for money, I've become a complete basket case. I've become Etsy obsessive, and to make matters worse, for the first time ever, my pieces started to come out of the kiln firing wrong! I've had to re-do a custom order a third time because my copper-red glaze came out white during the first two firings, and a custom vase cracked. I shouldn't say that I've never had a piece stick to the cookie, or come out a totally different color, but not when it mattered. I now understand completely about the frustrations experienced by full-time potters that have orders to fill and deadlines to meet. I am sure feelin ya now.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
April Fool's 2009
They have infiltrated the Etsy Ceramic Showcase for the day, along with 225 listings containing TP.
All works are available for sale, minus the toilet paper of course.Here are some of my favorites:

Studio Elan

Thursday, March 26, 2009
Where does the time go?
Its been almost a month since I've broken free and became a potter. I had some family visit for the first week
and a half, then we went on vacation for another week, and I find myself wondering where did the time go? I have certainly been engaged in more pottery so that's been simply awesome, and it is nice to be on your own time for a change, but that may be the problem. I no longer have to get up at 6:30am, so ev
en if I go to bed at my usual 10:30pm, I still feel the need to sleep in until at least 8:30. Then I get up, feed Mopsy, pick out the mug to drink my coffee out of, and head into the garage. Several pottery pieces later, its 2 o'clock... and I didn't even eat lunch! Not working in an office has done wonders for my figure, so I am not really complaining. It's amazing how preoccupied with food you are when you're stilling still for eight hours. Days and weeks have been flying by, and I am so grateful to be swooped up in it.
Step two - getting organized.
Monday, March 2, 2009
I am Free
With spring comes rebirth, renewal, new beginnings to celebrate. Today I am celebrating something greater than any holiday, anniversary, or birthday. Today is the day I became a full-time potter.
I first visited California when I was 18 years old. A friend of mine was doing a co-op program here, an
d invited me to come visit him when he was working here. I stayed for two weeks, and while here sent out my headshots to a couple of agents. I got a really favorable response from one, who suggested that I stay here and pursue acting as a career. Oh I wanted to so badly, but I was 18, and when I called my mom to tell her, she was begging me to come home. So I did. What did I know, I was 18. I was bit by the acting bug for a while after that, but supporting yourself in New York and trying to be an actress is even less glamorous than it is in LA. So needless to say, rent and bills took priority over a dream and soon I had to accept reality. I somehow became a medical biller/collector
. After a few years, I met my husband and endlessly talked about how I would love to move and live in Los Angeles. We were married on September 17, 2005. Two weeks after we returned from our honeymoon, he was offered a job in Los Angeles, CA. We packed up our clothes, threw out all the furniture, put our Weimaraner in the back seat of a 1997 Jeep Cherokee and headed west. I quickly found out that I was no longer the cute 18 year old with no responsibility, but a married 26 year old, and that is like being 45 in show biz years. I needed a job. So I went back to doing what I did best. Being a medical biller/collector. This job did not lend itself to a flexible schedule required to audition, and so yet again, my acting dream fell on the back burner. One of the women who worked with me had a daughter who took pottery classes at the Burbank Community Cent
er. I’ve always wanted to try the wheel and enrolled in the next available class. I was hooked. Today is the day that has been ten years in the making. Everything in my life for the past ten years led me to this place, to this moment. When during casual conversation, people asked me “ and what do you do?” I always cringed at the moment when I had to reply “I do medical collections”. You certainly did not reply “an actress” because everyone is an “actress” in LA, and then you just sound stupid and shallow. Somehow what you “do” sums you up to the person asking the question and I was soooooo not a medical collector. I wanted to scream “No look at me, I am creative and I am so much more and…” Today I can proudly say “I am a potter”, and if the faith allows, I will have acting as a hobby :)
I first visited California when I was 18 years old. A friend of mine was doing a co-op program here, an

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
The Golden Cage

During my two 15 minute breaks, I daydream of teapots, vases and different type of flowers I will adorn my jars with this spring. I also get 30 minutes for lunch, during which I try to stuff and digest some sort of a sandwich. Having said that, the job is located 7 minutes away from my home, and while I am not a morning person, and have to be in by 7AM, I am home by 3:37 PM. This allows me to run my errands, swim in my pool in the summer, and take my pottery classes at Glendale Community College.

Even as I am writing this, I know I should be grateful, but I can’t help tearing at myself wanting to get out and do something creative. My husband who is one of those people who does not have a creative bone in his body. - I am not being mean, it’s a fact and he would tell you this himself, finds it difficult to understand that it is not something we, the creative people choose. It is in us, and if there is no outlet, we go crazy! I know I am not alone this. Back me up people!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
A Much needed Break

Going back East for the holidays is
always a treat. I love returning to New York to enjoy it, but leaving before it leaves its dreary mark. I used to be completely in love with that city. After living the easy life here in Los Angeles, NYC just seems like too much work for me. It’s absolutely true that if
you make it there, you’ll make it anywhere. I do not know any other ci
ty where it’s inhabitants have more resilience than New Yorkers. I was really glad about the chance to hang out with my sister. She is away at school and I only get to see her a few times a year. We did all the necessaries. Saw the tree, turned the cube.

This month it’s back to work, back to responsibility, back to reality…uuurgh. My studio is in desperate need of a serious cleaning. How long do you have to do pottery before you can look for an intern? J I am in serious production mode and cannot wait to get my fingers into clay. I’ve been brainstorming during my time off, and have some exciting new pottery ideas that I will attempt to execute in 2009. I wish you all a happy, healthy and successful New Year!!!
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